Remember I held a workshop “All About Orgasms”? It was such an amazing event. I had tremendous joy teaching it. And also a feeling of unexpected confusion, because the female participants chose not to open their videos on zoom and some didn’t even share. It’s everyone’s personal choice, of course.
Read MoreSome of you may look at this recent offer of mine and feel sad or even triggered, thinking silently to yourself: “I can’t be that. This is too much. This isn’t for me. Who does she think she is…” 🥀
“Whore?! Oh no, no. That's not me at all.”
In this videos I share more about how a man can train his body to focus more on pleasure/orgasm rather than having a mindset to get off, to empty out, to release. Going for the “ejaculatory choice” method is an invitation for all the men and that’s what I ask of the men I coach.
Read MoreLady Jin & I had a fantastic conversation on the topic that is hugely important for a lot of men.
I believe it’s a spiritual practice of every man.
And what are the benefits of semen retention?! Watch the video to find out.
I have a client who's been tracking his wife's cycle for 10 years after she gave birth to their second child.
And it literally saved his intimacy and his relationship.
No one teaches us, women and men, about what it feels like, on emotional, physical, and spiritual levels, for a woman to go through her menstrual cycle each month.
“Despite the challenges that are happening in the world (my wedding got canceled, I have to sell my apartment, etc.) I feel the most centered and empowered and most connected to my partner. Our intimacy is the best it’s ever been.” - a man from NYC, who originally came to me with ED
Read MoreWhen you meditate, especially when you choose to focus on your sensations in your meditation (i.e. Vipassana style), you become present to subtleties in the spectrum of your sensations. It’s almost like the landscape of your inner workings becomes more colorful, diverse, and deep.
Read MoreWhen she initiates intimacy by coming on to me, kissing and touching me, I cringe, move away, my whole body gets constricted, and instead of being turned on, I get repelled by her.”
My client is in a relationship with an awakened and hypersexual (his words) woman. He’s overwhelmed by her overly sexual nature. He feels pressure to satisfy a never satiated woman. And with that loses his confidence.
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