You may look at this recent offer of mine and feel sad or even triggered, thinking silently to yourself: “I can’t be that. This is too much. This isn’t for me. Who does she think she is…”

“Whore?! Oh no, no. That's not me at all.”

And you know what, I hear you on this one. Because I used to be that woman myself. I used to look at sexually liberated women and felt sadness, judgment, and anger.

I would think to myself: “How on earth is she doing it?! She feels so free in her movement, in her flirtatiousness, in her expression.”

I would judge her because she seemed vulgar to me, and too much. But the truth is, at the time, that was the part of myself I was hiding and judging and dimming the light on.

And by the way, I use Sacred Whore here referring to archetypal energy that we all carry. Similarly to the energy of the Goddess, Queen, Mother, Maiden, Muse, etc.

We all have experienced a battle within ourselves between the Whore (i.e. sexually open & liberated woman, who owns the wild in her) and the Virgin (a proper good girl). I certainly have.

So if you look at my video and experience contraction in your body, notice you are raising your eyebrows, or feeling judgment - this may be exactly for you, to sit with and go deeper into.

Oh, and by the way, if you don’t know, I’m 5 months pregnant here. And for some reason, this offers me even more courage and inspiration to call on you and share this work with you.

Much Love & Gratitude, Iryna

Iryna Sulimwoman, sensual, sexy, whore, body