About 80% of men, either clients or men in my life with whom I share my work, are struggling with similar challenges around sexuality and intimacy.
They say:
"I can’t last long in bed, I have performance anxiety and either come too fast or can't maintain my erection for more than 5-10 minutes. And sex isn’t as fulfilling any more."
"I can’t climax during intercourse, only during masturbation. It’s embarrassing and I avoid intimacy with my partner.”
"Intimacy with my partner isn’t as it used to be, sexual desire and tension are no longer there and sex is mechanical."
"I have strong anxiety, overwhelmed by unpleasant thoughts and emotions. At times it goes to the point of depression. To get rid of it, I masturbate 2-3 times a day and then feel shame for doing so.”
“I’m constantly distracted by sexual urges and thoughts. I can’t keep my focus at work or on my new projects. I constantly watch porn and masturbate to it and that messes up my energy levels.”
Does this sound familiar?
Have you ever found yourself in those situations? And immediately thought there’s something wrong with you?
First of all, nothing is wrong with you. I can tell you from experience, working with hundreds of men for more than seven years, that most men at least once in their life have been in at least one of the above circumstances.
For men, sexual prowess and performance in the bedroom are HUGE determining factors of his CONFIDENCE and his ability to consider himself attractive to the opposite gender. I bet you agree with me on that one.
If a man isn't aware of his body, and has had years of porn education and societal conditioning around male sexual performance and “having hard ons on command”… a one time “small failure” experience can drive a man to the point of feeling insecure, inadequate and anxious. And if the thoughts of that experience keep cycling in his mind, repeating over and over, it will only result in perpetuating the problem and lead to repeat occurrences of those “failures”.
Men are sensitive to their sexuality. It’s as vulnerable for them as sharing their emotions. The thing is, our society doesn’t have many safe spaces for men to be able to share with others - whether those are male friends or professionals (i.e. sex therapists) - about their sexual experiences or sexual challenges without being laughed at or shamed. So that leaves a man to deal with sexual/emotional challenges by himself; at times lost, confused, or overly stressed out (as there is also loads of information out there that is at best unhelpful, and at worst inaccurate).
Which leads many men to just accept their unhappy and unfulfilled state as being the norm. They resign themselves to either a sexless life, being numbed out by compulsive masturbation, porn, alcohol, or anxiety medications, or they become overwhelmed by anger and frustration, leading a poor lifestyle, which eventually affects their work and their relationships.
If this is your reality right now… I can assure you that this lifestyle is NOT the norm and never was! And you totally CAN live a fulfilled, joyful, sexy life; full of ecstasy, pleasure, aliveness, being uber confident, powerful and irresistible - not only in the bedroom, but overall in all aspects of your life!
Curious to learn more? Read on!
What if you could master sex techniques…
…ones that gave you a powerful experience of inner freedom, inner peace and deep connection to your wild primal sexy beast energy ... AND made you a total Sex God?
My one-on-one, 6-month coaching program "Conscious Lover” is a program that I have created for you that will help you achieve the results that you want and be the most incredible lover she's ever had. Why do I care? Because I so deeply desire for all of you, gentlemen, to be the best that you can be, sexually and overall in life.
This program is designed from over 5,000 hours of experience and training and the successful results of working with over 2,000 paying clients.
The tools I offer are profound and multidimensional.
click the + to read more below.
+ Why am I so passionate about helping men?
As someone who has experienced my own spiritual and sexual healing journey through Tantra and Tao, and through doing energy healing work with men for several years, I have become aware that men in our society are struggling, lost and confused.
There’s an urgent need for a new kind of masculinity, male power and authentic male sexuality. I feel it's time for men to catch up with their healing process around emotions and sexuality. But there are far fewer ways and spaces created for men than for women to open up, and talk about sex and intimacy in a safe and non-judgmental environment.
So I'm here to fill that gap and meet that need: I offer men a safe space to go in and feel, be vulnerable, (re)claim a new relationship to their body, their pleasure, learn how to be in full ownership of their sexual needs and desires, reconnect to their inner power and freedom, and find and maximize their sexual confidence.
Most importantly, I believe that when a man is deeply connected to his own body and his sexuality, he is deeply connected to his partner, and shows up powerfully in sex and in life. And I want that for you.
+ Why is my program unique?
A lot of other coaching programs and therapies lack real depth. They do not work with the body and psyche in ways that create safety in the body, self-love, healing and ultimate transformation. The tools I offer are profound, and multidimensional.
I was trained in a unique methodology - VITA™ - through the Tantric Institute of INTEGRATED Sexuality founded by Layla Martin.
The underlying foundation of the VITA™ Method is the belief that sexuality is part of the whole and can be embraced as a natural and beautiful energy and expression of all humans. Because of this, I use holistic tools of the Tantra and Tao traditions that take into consideration the entire sexual ecosystem, opening you up to a magical world that was completely unavailable before.
Through the powerful combination of holistic tools like breathwork, pleasure practices, trauma healing, meditative practices, energy work, sounding, and movement, this method offers a completely unique approach to healing and awakening sexuality.
+ Why 6 months?
Because through many years of coaching men I realized that 6 months is the minimum length of time needed for men to really embody the tools and practices and see the tangible results - if you are committed and dedicated to the process, my guidance and all the assignments. Also, each body and nervous system (because that is what we are working with) has its own process in terms of timing. Your patience and trust is crucial here.
+ How do we interact and what to expect during the sessions?
We interact virtually through Zoom video meetings. And even though this coaching is about sexuality, there is no nudity during sessions.
While you are in the comfort of your home I will guide you in an embodied way with the tools and processes of my coaching methodology, like breathwork, body-talk, meditations, sounding, emotional release practices, and many more. Through these powerful tools we will take the process deep into your body and psyche even when we are communicating virtually.
In the first session we identify your main driving desire or goal for the entirety of our time working together. And then I empower you to achive that goal by guiding you through the processes that will allow you to tackle it, by you doing the “inner and outer work”.
The selection of the tools and processes I'll be guiding you through entirely depends on where you are at and what you came to me for. Every session is specifically tailored to meet the challenges you are currently dealing with that prevent you from getting what you want.
I'll be giving you home assignments (i.e. guided meditations, breathwork practices, self-pleasure recordings, books to read etc.) in order to support your goal and have it be more embodied and integrated.
+ Who is this program for?
This program is for men who are seeking to transform their relationship to their body, their intimacy with a partner, and are desiring to live an authentic, powerful and thriving life.
This program is for those who are fully committed to heal their old patterns, conditioning and traumas around sexuality, connect to their pleasure from the depth of bodily sensations, and become a master lover on energetic, emotional, physical and psychological levels.
This program is for those who are sick of feeling empty, depressed and dissatisfied with their lives and are hungry for change and for a new paradigm of being the creators of their lives, feeling total freedom and total ownership of their true essence.
This program is for men who truly want to master how to be present with a woman, how to honor her divine nature, hold her emotions, and give her exquisite pleasure and mindblowing earth-shattering orgasms.
+ What you’ll get from working with me:
Heal sexual trauma and societal conditioning around sex, sexuality, body, masculinity, love and relationship
Heal porn addiction, performance anxiety, ED and PE
Reclaim and fully own your sexual power and confidence in the bedroom and in life overall
Cultivate and embody your primal masculine wild energy
Master wild but conscious sex
Experience multiple and full body orgasms
Last as long as you desire
Become non-ejaculatory or delay ejaculation at your will
Drive any lover wild with pleasure
Master the tools on how to hold a woman in her pleasure, in her full emotional spectrum and even in her sexual healing
Have extraordinary relationships and fulfilling intimacy.... AND so much more......
Ready to begin?
Book your intro session below so we can get started.
If all is aligned and you meet the requirements, but are not quite ready for a six-month commitment, I also have a three-session introductory package that we can get you started on.
This package is customized to each individual, and is an excellent start to your sexual empowerment and mastery. So book your intro session and let’s chat.
Ready to show up powerfully in sex so you can show up powerfully in life?