This past weekend I was in Denver, CO and was invited to a speaking event in prison. I was fortunate to witness the inmates sharing their "One Last Talk". The concept of these talks that the men were sharing is based on the book "One Last Talk" by Phillip McKernan, who is a renowned speaker, author and coach and who has become a dear friend. And who was leading the event.
Read MoreHere are my 4 tips on how you can practice PRESENCE:
- Connect to your body (through meditation, breathing or may be a physical activity prior to seeing her). Always come back to breath & connection to your feet for grounding when you find yourself lost in your thoughts
- Practice eye gazing when you listen to her & “listen” not only with your ears but with your whole energy body
- Touch her with full awareness of giving pleasure to her without any expectation to get anything back or reach an orgasm. Still & slow touches are golden
One of my clients asked me the other day how to maintain sexual tension, passion and desire with a partner you are in relationship with for a while, while also raising a kid.
I only can answer this question from an energy perspective, (masculine & feminine polarities), as that is what I understand the most and teach my clients same.
On Monday I co-facilitated a workshop for men only - "Illuminating a Powerful Man within" with another male teacher Joshua Lunior. And what an incredible experience it was!