Women Aren't Crazy

Hey there, 

"Women are crazy" - the stereotypical cliche you would hear in our society. Comedians have shows dedicated to making fun of women and how irrational, non-logical, bad-shit crazy women are.

Well, it is all light-hearted humor, you would say. And it is in some regard, and it is also - not. 

So, let's talk about the truth of the feminine nature. I think the origin of this saying comes from not fully understanding the paradoxical (yes, PARADOXICAL) nature of the feminine. 

Another amazing analogy I would offer is that women are like Life—unpredictable, at times stormy and rollercoaster-like; other times calm, peaceful, exciting, fiery, sweet, nurturing, heartbreaking, mind-blowing, inspiring, beautiful beyond anything that your eye could hold, delicious beyond anything that your taste buds could absorb... I could go on and on.

Women are infinite. Life is infinite. Sex is infinite. 

I am using metaphysical concepts here, but it is really important that you, as men, start relating to life, sex, and women from a place in you that knows and feels God. A place in you that knows magic. Because women are magical creatures. 

Landing you a little bit onto a human plane here - women are magical because we create life. Our "crazy" is something we need to survive to move through life's transitions (menstruation, childbirth, menopause). Every week throughout the month, we shift through our cycle phases. As a man, I would highly suggest that you track your woman's cycle and learn what her state is like in each phase. 

Every moment always has two sides to it - light and dark, expansive and contractive, inbreath and out- moment of life breath, etc. And the feminine always feels this paradox. It can be so confronting and yes "crazy" to fathom by our brains. Our bodies though can feel both if we allow it. 

If you are a man who is courageous and feels deep down within himself that there is more to intimacy than what you are already having with your wife, I invite you to come and work with me 1:1. I have some spots that opened up for six months and a year journeys. 

Schedule a free 30-minute connection call

Much love and gratitude,


Iryna Sulim