Hey handsome,

Those men who are "natural" at being great lovers weren't actually born like that. They learned it from the women they were with.

They may never tell you that though. Men don't tend to share such information with their pals.

These "great lovers" took the feedback they received from women with a great deal of attention. What separates these men from others is that they left their ego outside of the bedroom. And they listened, took it in and asked questions.

Women are the best teachers of sensual arts.

And I would love to be that woman for you.

So why would you want to join my online course "Presence over Performance"?

Besides the Sex God status you will be able to proudly claim :) here are the results that will be available for you on the other side of your journey.

  • You’ll get specific skills and techniques on how to please her, date her, be with her, communicate with her⁠.

  • You’ll learn and master all the ways that will help you last longer, and experience multiple and full-bodied orgasms⁠.⁠

  • You’ll get to rediscover and embrace your sexuality from a holistic approach rather than performance/porn/fantasy based⁠.

  • You’ll heal any challenges you experience around performance anxiety⁠.

  • You’ll develop a much greater capacity to hold more energy, more consciousness, more emotions⁠.

  • You’ll reclaim your confidence and your masculine power, and it will be called forward for you to own fully⁠.

  • You’ll fully own your wild beast energy that is so deeply desired by her⁠.

I’ve inspired 100s of men into greatness and I can’t wait for you to be a part of this journey!⁠

If you are ready to be in control of your sexual experience and never worry about your ability to "perform" again, join me in "Presence over Performance", my 10 week course to support men in their journey to sexual mastery.⁠

I'm so looking forward to supporting you in becoming the most amazing lover and man she craves for.

Much love and gratitude,


Iryna Sulim