The Truth About Emotional Desire in Non-committed Relationships

Hello there,


I’m inspired to share something with you that I think could be valuable to you, gentlemen—especially if you’re navigating casual sexual relationships with women. Perhaps you're dating around to experiment, gain more confidence, or simply aren't ready to settle down.


I actually encourage a lot of my clients to explore different relationships to get to know themselves better. But if you’re doing this, there’s something important you should know.


If you choose to have a purely sexual relationship with a woman—one where both of you consciously agree there’s no commitment, no attachment—there's a key point to consider. At some point, the woman you’re having sex with may start desiring more.


Women’s nature is such that, when we begin having penetrative sex with a man, it bonds us. The hormones released during deeply connected sexual experiences can cause us to feel euphoric, and over time, we may begin craving more than just the physical connection. We’ll start to desire emotional intimacy as well.


I’m speaking about the majority of feminine women—this is simply part of the feminine nature. One of my teachers once said that when a woman agrees to have non-committal sex with a man, she’s not just “riding on his cock,” she’s also riding on his consciousness—taking everything he is and bringing it into herself.


Beyond this desire for emotional connection, if she’s not emotionally mature, she may start projecting her unspoken feelings onto you. In a “friends with benefits” situation, she may feel that she can’t express her desires openly, so instead, she may harbor resentment. When this happens, her heart will close, and she’ll retreat into her head. Next time you meet for sex, you may feel her lack of openness or receptivity. Even if she tries to override it, you may still sense it—especially if you’re sensitive to her energy.


If you’re not aware of this, you might end up dealing with a lot of pent-up emotions that surface unexpectedly if you haven’t asked the right questions.


When you consciously choose to engage with a woman sexually, you must ask her the right questions. Bring awareness to her sensitivity and ensure you’re both on the same page with your agreements. Initiate conversations about your boundaries, expectations, and emotional safety so that both of you can have a clean, fulfilling, and healing experience together.


It’s important to recognize that she is also a sovereign being capable of mature decisions. It’s on her to communicate her emotions in real time. And, it’s on you to ask her, “How do you feel? How does this make you feel?”


Maturity in this area only comes when we’re aware of the emotional patterns within us. No matter how much growth we go through, we all still have younger parts of ourselves that can show up in these situations—and that’s okay.


If your woman doesn’t share her feelings with you in real-time, it could be because this is a short-term relationship, and she hasn’t yet felt safe enough to fully express herself.


I hope this message resonated with you. If you desire support on this journey, schedule a 30-minute consultation here:



Iryna Sulim