Resistance is Often our Biggest Teacher

I am typing this email to you drinking my latte in a lovely coffee shop. I often do my writings in the mornings. During these days I go to a yoga class and do some creative work, including sharing these emails with you. 

This morning I particularly resisted going to a yoga class. I have been doing yoga for 10 if not more years and every time I get on the mat in the beginning of a class, I long for it to end. I can't wait to be done with it. I resist it so much.

Why am I telling you this?

Well, to share that I am the most resistant person I ever met and also that resistance is my biggest teacher. And could be for you too. 

During my yoga class I am forced to be with myself, with what I feel in the moment moving from pose to pose, from breath to breath. And I feel a lot. Like today I felt guilt (you know, the mother's kind of guilt), because last night my child wouldn't sleep at night and I was so frustrated with him,  and today I feel guilty about that. Oh... and guilt feels so so awful. You want to escape this feeling, disassociate, think of your to do list instead.

And I also know better. I know that this guilty feeling would build up and haunt me forever. And so I moved on my mat, breathing all the way through and feeling this gunky feeling. 

I know that if I allow myself to do something at least for a minute moving through resistance, I'm rewarded with so much goodness on the other side.

Do you resonate?

How can this be applied to sexuality? Well, next time you notice that you have difficulty getting hard, and trying to figure out the problem of it going all the way into your head, or retrieve to a fantasy or a pill, perhaps spend an hour feeling that feeling of guilt or shame or frustration or the opposite - joy, that you've been resisting to feel for a while. You may be very pleasantly surprised what comes up on the other side. 

And if you need support I can help! Join my online masterclass for men coming up on February 19 @ 5:30 PM PST/8:30 PM EST. 




Much love and gratitude,


Iryna Sulim