"Nice" Guys Don't Have Much Success With Women

I was thinking the other day that the majority of male clients and not only clients, but men in general who I attract have "a nice guy" syndrome. My partner is a recovering "nice guy" :) 

There is a theory I have behind this. My dharma, my purpose in life is to emPOWER humans on their sexuality journey. Awakening of my own sexual potential has given me a tremendous amount of power, confidence in who I truly am, freedom of leading an authentic life and love for myself. Obviously, my journey still continues, because one's sexual potential is so vast, that there is no limit of what one can experience. And that is what I want for my clients to realize or to remember. 

And for men - I want them to connect to their sex center as a power center with no shame or guilt but rather with reverence, sacredness and with approval of their wild animal self, your beast. 

What does it have to do with a "nice guy" syndrome? Well, most nice guys abandon their power, shame it, and do not approve of their "dangerous" side of themselves. Why? Because dangerous guy is very much connected to his anger. And anger is deemed as a bad emotion in our society. 

Our society favors people pleasers and shames those who speak their truth. It does't  mean that everyone now have to act out on their anger and speak their raw truth unabashedly. 

I am saying that there needs to be a very conscious relationship to your anger, power and truth. There needs to be a balance between your heart (compassion/kindness) and your sex center (power/anger). And that takes some healing, some clearing of old believes and forgiveness of yourself. 

Why do you want all of that? Because women want to get ravished by you and they will always choose a dangerous guy over a nice guy. Nice guy will be in a friend's zone. It is what we feel naturally as women, it's biology. And even if a woman tells you otherwise, subconsciously she desires hot, obliterated wild sex with a very dominant (but heart centered) man. She will get wet for that kind of a man. 

Join my masterclass on February 19th - "Female Anatomy of Arousal - a Masterclass for Men about Women". This online masterclass is for Men only! 



Much love and gratitude,



Iryna Sulim