What is Sex Coaching anyways?
I have so much fun watching people's faces when I tell them that I am a sex coach. The reactions are priceless, really.
Some people turn around almost 360 with their eyes wide open and exclaim: "Oh, you are?! Wow, how did you get into this?". Some start making fun imagining me coaching a couple and giving instructions to the couple about positions, angels, etc.:) Some want to know more, some brush it off and want to move on to the next topic.
But there is always a little bit of trepidation or slight embarrassment I feel coming from people when they hear me talk more about what I do. Not many are able to go deep into a conversation about intimacy and sex. And it is not surprising to me at all. When you start talking to someone about intimacy and sexuality you bond with this person almost forever. It is a very vulnerable topic.
So what sex coaching actually is?
In my practice I use talking (almost like therapy, Gestalt therapy in my case) and embodiment practices (meditations, breathwork) to guide a person through. We talk a lot about their sexual desires, needs and challenges. We say words penis, vagina and pussy etc out loud because through speaking we normalize sharing about these parts of our body with no emotional (usually shame) charge.
We work with the body (emotions, feelings), mind, and spirit in connection, which means I ask my client to feel into different parts of himself/herself and share what it is like.
I help my clients think of sex, eroticism and intimacy as a very natural, innocent and pure human experience, because it is.
The sessions are happening online through zoom, with clothes on. I do not guide my clients through masturbation, there is no nudity or explicit touch. I create self-pleasure practices (recordings) and my clients do those in the privacy of their homes.
This is very effective and my clients get amazing results. I hope this is clear for you now what sex coaching is, but if you still have questions feel free to reply to this email and ask. I promise I will answer all your questions.
Many people want to meet in person and I totally understand that desire. Some part of me what that too. And I offer VIP in person sessions to the clients who have worked with me in the past. I am super excited about this. These experiences will be several hours of immersive coaching, teaching, yoga, dancing, connecting, etc. Imagine 100% attention just on you for 4-5 hours? It is extremely healing and also vulnerable and results are seen right away. Anyways, more on that soon!
In the meantime, if you want to experience my teachings and learn more about female sexuality, pleasure pathways, orgasms, how to touch a woman in the way that she begs for more come to my masterclass on the "Female Anatomy of Arousal - a masterclass for men about women"
It is happening on February 19th!
In this 3 hour masterclass, I will share with you not only the skills and techniques you are so curious to learn (touch is the main one we will go over), but we will dive deep into the psychological, emotional and energetic aspects of a female sexuality and a female body.
As a result, you will leave the masterclass knowing so much more about female anatomy of arousal, pleasure network, different types of orgasms that any woman can have, and how you, as her lover and partner can help her to have all of that pleasure, open up and feel safe sexually and emotionally with you.
I'm so looking forward to supporting you in becoming the most amazing lover and man she craves for.
Much love and gratitude,