Hey handsome,

Your performance anxiety may be tied to the level of your willingness to be open in your heart.

After five months of working together, I just had my final session with one of my clients.

He’s been dating this woman who he likes very much. And the other evening she came over to have a breakup talk with him. She expressed that she liked to spend time with him, but things were moving too fast and she wasn’t ready to introduce him to her kids and involve him more into her life. She wanted to break up.

He created a story in his mind that she was breaking up with him because he wasn’t a good lover and couldn’t please her. He then decided to be vulnerable and express everything that he has been dealing with - performance anxiety, ED, and that he’s been working with me, changing his life and mastering the skills of a good lover.

His honesty turned her on.

Her response was that she absolutely found him a fantastic lover, and was so into him, and it wasn’t about him at all. ❤️ She clearly was terrified to move into deeper intimacy for whatever reasons that had nothing to do with his sexual performance.

That evening, they made love for over two hours - and it was the best sex my client has had in two years. He was in control, lasted for a good while, and she had multiple orgasms. The next day he felt nourished and fulfilled.

And the news about the breakup didn’t make him so sad. (I honestly think that breakup won’t happen. 😉)

Men, in the majority of cases the stories in your head about your performance anxiety and inability to be a good lover are just that - stories.

If you know all the skills and techniques, but still keep that story cemented in your head and in your body, then you won’t get far.

But if you allow yourself to show up authentically and be vulnerable with what you are dealing with, your body will relax, your heart will open, and your sexual energy will be freed up to flow through your whole being. The result - you will have a fantastic sexual experience.

Most of the time, women welcome such vulnerability. 🥰 And that is also important.

I have two 1:1 coaching spots available to work with me, if you feel called, and desire my support. Just schedule a free intro session.

Can't wait to talk to you!

Much love and gratitude,


Iryna Sulim