Hey handsome,

The work I guide you through isn’t for the faint of heart.

It’s deep, life transforming, painful AF and it will stir up all your shit.

And your life will never be the same.

I don’t offer you bullshit, and I don’t coddle you. I tell you straight to your face what’s going on and what’s required if you really desire that thriving life.

All your limiting beliefs and old patterns will come up to the surface. It will be uncomfortable AF.

I’m fierce in my approach - but I’ll always hold your hand and lovingly whisper that it’s ok to go in the direction of your dreams, your thriving life and the partnership and intimacy you’ve always wanted.

You come to me with the desire to overcome your sexual performance anxiety, and you will walk away with new habits, new ways of relating to yourself and your body and people around you, and even a new perception of the world.

You may leave the relationship that no longer serves you, you may change your eating habits, your routine, you may even let go of a career that is draining your energy or your toxic friends. Trust me, it happens all the time with my clients.

Yes I know, I help people in the arena of sex and intimacy. What do other areas of life have to do with this? “Just tell me how to please a woman!” 😂 And I do give you all of those secrets!

But it goes beyond that. To be a conscious lover and attain the status of Sex God requires some investment on your part (your energy, your time, your money and your trust). Also letting go of bullshit you’ve been living out. It requires your full-on honesty with yourself, your vulnerability, responsibility and commitment.

Did I mention I’m a PORTAL?! That means that once you open that door and walk through, there is no way back. It’s just how it works when you are in my space.

I guide you to your original essence, to your true self. It’s scary. And it’s the most beautiful place there is to be. And the most desired by her, if you ask me.

Are you ready?

If not, continue reading me on socials and watch my videos. You can get it all here.

If yes, I want to know you and see you face to face. Book an intro session now!

Can't wait to talk to you!

Much love and gratitude,


Iryna Sulim