You can have it all if you do this one thing

I have a client, an amazing man with whom we’ve been working for a few years now.


He is actually in my men’s group. For those who don’t know, yes I do have a man’s group. It’s a very intimate one, almost like mastermind. We meet two times a month for 75 min each time and talk all things relationship, intimacy, sex, love, purpose, and life overall. Men get to receive my insights and coaching, and also support one another on their journeys. It’s a yearly commitment. It’s a steal, I’d say. If you want to be a part of the group for accountability, coaching, female (mine) take on all things sex love and relationship let me know. Reply to this email asking for more details if you're interested! 


So back to my client. His life has transformed in ways he never saw coming.


He was in a 20 year marriage, struggled with PE and was very unhappy.


Fast forward to now - he is in the best shape of his life, and has the best intimacy of his life. He has two lovers, one of them is oversees. Both know about each other. And both, if given a chance would drop it all just to be with him in exclusive relationship.


This is how good he has it.


And you know why? Because this man follows what is TRUE for him, which means he is in full integrity with himself and in integrity with the women he dates. He is honest to the core with what he really needs and wants at this stage of his life, while also being very respectful, and not secretive in fear of loosing either of them towards his women.


He chooses him! And if this means one of the women will walk away from such arrangement, he will be ok with it. Obviously it will hurt, because the connection with both is incredible. But he won’t succumb to the fear or what the women want.


And as a result, they TRUST him.  When a woman trusts a man, she respects him, follows his lead and receives him fully. Sex is hotter for sure!


So you can have it all, if you do this one thing - be in integrity with yourself, no matter the cost.


And btw, mastering techniques on how to give pleasure to a woman worked for him too! They tell him to thank me for this teachings.


My masterclass on “the Female Anatomy of Arousal” is the right place to start. Sign up if you wish to up level your game. It is taking place on February 19th @ 5:30 PM PST/8:30 PM EST!



I'm so looking forward to supporting you in becoming the most amazing lover and man she craves for.

Much love and gratitude,


Iryna Sulim