If You Really Want to Understand Your Woman, Learn to Track her Cycle

I have a client who's been tracking his wife's cycle for 10 years after she gave birth to their second child. 

And it literally saved his intimacy and his relationship. 

No one teaches us, women and men, about what it feels like, on emotional, physical, and spiritual levels, for a woman to go through her menstrual cycle each month. 

Only in the last five years has Cosmopolitan started writing about menstruation, and the topic has become less taboo. 

Luckily, slowly but surely, menstrual cycle awareness is increasing in the psyches of women and society overall.

We now have a number of applications that are designed to track a cycle. If you do not have one for your partner, I highly recommend downloading one.  

What I am leading to here... 

I would like to share with you something really valuable that won't only help you to understand your female partner better emotionally and energetically but will offer you more insight on

- what's the best time to engage with your woman sexually, 
- when to ask for your needs to be met, 
- when to bring up challenging relationship decisions, 
- when to be most supportive and helpful,
- and when to give her space to be alone  

All you need to do is to track her cycle.... and know this...

Did you know your woman goes through 4 inner seasons in a month in her cycle? Yes, there is winter, spring, summer, and autumn that women go through in one month. She might not even know this herself. But it is literally what happens. 

I took this information from the book Wild Power, written by A. Pope and S. Wurlitzer. It is a brilliant book, and I highly recommend it. It helped me tremendously navigate my cycle. 

Note that each woman's experience is unique. That's why tracking is so important, and noticing what she is going through during each season is paramount. (Her diet, stress level, health, and whether she has kids or not —all these variables also matter.) 

Also, here I describe the inner seasons' map, most of which is based on my own example. 


When she is bleeding (approx. day 27th-day 5th) 
Time of introspection, she is going inwards. Time of deep rest and doing nothing. Self-care is crucial in this season. Ideally, no kids around. She needs space. Offering help, taking over a load of household chores, massaging her feet, and asking if there is anything you can do to help is great during this time. Even if she would be action-oriented, I recommend you take over the mundane things. It's the time for her needs to be met. 
Making love is not an option unless she asks for it. 


(approx. day 6th to day 11th)
Rebirth. More energy is emerging, but she is still very vulnerable. It is a time of hope, experimenting, and taking more risks. She wants to be social. She wants you to tell her compliments, as she is finding herself more attractive. She will be full of ideas and want to do something new. Offer to take her out on a date, surprise her with a gift, and be heart-centered, as it is the time of romanticizing her and playing. 


When she is ovulating (approx. day12th-day 19th)
Peak of energy. She is going outwards. She is focusing on mothering and taking care of others. She is also showing up fully in her work. Her needs don't matter that much. She feels like a superwoman conquering the world. She'll want to have sex every day, all day, with you and experiment in the wildest of ways. This is the time for you to ask to have your needs met. This is the time for you to bring up something important for you to discuss. She is the sweetest and loveliest towards you. She will shower you with love, give you massages, blow jobs, and a delicious dinner. 


approx. day 20th - day 26th 
Her energy level drops. She all of a sudden feels sad or not good about herself. Her inner critic starts to run the show. She starts getting introspective. This is a very intuitive time for a woman. She might have visions and deep insights. It's time for you to listen to her. And never take things personally. Because she will say some things that are not very nice about you. She might even be repelled and annoyed by you. (It all depends on how good you were in other seasons). She has a very low tolerance for bullshit. She'll seem to you like she is not making any sense. Your jokes won't be funny, and she'll cry if you, God forbid, say something insensitive. She's entering cosmic realms, and her consciousness is called to serve something greater than the physical. She might be deeply poetic and creative. Ask her if she needs support, listening, or leaving her alone. She might not be sure of any of that, but ask anyway. Sex might be amazing here, especially right before entering into winter, as it can be very healing for her. 

And voila!

Now you have a road map to your woman's emotional, sexual, and spiritual world! 

Isn't it what all men want? Understand a woman?

Menstrual cycle awareness, in my humble opinion, is a missing key! 

Come and get more of such invaluable information and all the bits and secrets on the Female Anatomy of Arousal by signing up for a masterclass I am teaching for you men on February 19th at 5:30 pm pst/8:30 pm EST. 


Much love and gratitude,


Iryna Sulim