Why my upcoming masterclass can change your life

I remember my pre-sex coach days when I knew so very little about my body and how I enjoyed being touched, and how I expected a man I was with to know it all in the bedroom (to read my mind). And if he didn't, I would resent him. I couldn't speak up about what I wanted in the moment or after our intimacy. Or worse, I would override my body's cues—like I would say yes to a fast and hard penetration because I thought I was ready or I just didn't want to disappoint the man I was with. Obviously, I am not proud of those days. But I forgave myself for all of that because I didn't know any better. 

My path to sexual openness, along with spiritual awakening, began with my own self-exploration of my body with the gentle guidance of my Tantra teachers. 

I would self-pleasure in a totally new way. I no longer used a vibrator; I ditched porn; I got a crystal wand (a toy that I fell in love with from day one); I played music; I touched myself gently and softly, pausing and breathing and listening for a YES from my body, not my head. And I would cry a lot, so much, purging all the unconscious hard and fast sexual experiences. As a result of perhaps a year-long "communion with myself," my moods started to shift, I felt happier, I started feeling this inner confidence that is very hard to fake, I stopped craving for external validation, I felt hot, sexy, radiant and I desired myself a great deal. My life started to change. 

And it all began with attending Tantra workshops, reading books on sexuality and tantric sex, and my own practice. 

That is why I wanted to invite you to this masterclass I am hosting on February 19th on the Female Anatomy or Arousal. To me, it was crucial to master not only the esoteric teachings of Eastern philosophy but also the scientific facts about our nervous system and neuronal pathways that are responsible for pleasure and our anatomy (what's where and how it works, so to speak). I believe in a harmonious balance of both. And I very much would love for you to know that, too, especially men. 

And I would love for you, gentlemen, to know all of that inside information from me so that you truly understand not only the physiology and where to touch so that she feels pleasure but the psychology of a woman's sexuality as well, so that she feels emotionally safe with you to open up to you even more. 

So come and play with me! It will be fun. 

The link to register is below.  This masterclass is for men ONLY. 



Much love and gratitude,


Iryna Sulim