5 Things she wants from you in the bedroom
I wanted to share with you these 5 things that a woman would appreciate greatly in the bedroom (and not only). These tips are taken from the brilliant Sherri Winston book "Women's Anatomy of Arousal", with which I agree 100%.
By the way, I am teaching a masterclass on "Female Anatomy of Arousal" on February 19th, which is inspired predominantly by this book and my own lived experience as a woman. If you haven't signed up yet, here it is. This masterclass is for men ONLY!
So, back to those 5 things:
1. Attuned giving. Let your focus and direction be leavened by awareness and attunement. Initiate and direct not by dominating and going where you want, but by paying attention to her signals and taking her where she most wants to go. Give her exactly what she wants when she wants it by using your attention and presence in service to her pleasure. Ultimately, her surrender to opening is exactly where you want to go.
2. Your presence. If you don't show up, then who is that guy who's having sex with her?:)
I talk so much about this in my practice! It is so crucial. We will be doing an embodiment practice to hone this muscle in the masterclass. And I have an online course for men on this: "Presence over Performance." You can sign up for it at any time.
P.S. I am offering a discount on this course for those attending a masterclass. So come to a masterclass to get the discount!
3. Clean, clear intentions and integrity. Don't degrade yourself or her by manipulating or lying to her. Know what you want and speak your truth to her. If all you want is hot sex with no commitment, that's ok - tell her. That might be what she wants, too!
4. Reliability and direction. Women are "lunar', shifting, and variable. They need a "solar" counterpoint - solid, steadfast male energy that doesn't tack with the breeze and can be counted on to provide clear focus and direction. You are the solid center; she dances around it.
5. Your hot, studly masculine energy. Be that demon lover, men, but only when she is ready - and ideally, begging for it.
I hope you take those on and apply them in your sex and dating life!
Dedicated to supporting you in becoming the most amazing lover and man she craves for.
Much love and gratitude,