Who Inside of You Holds You Back From the Epic Intimacy You Crave
Hey there,
The other day I had an incredibly revealing and transformative session with my client.
We did a process around his inner child. Most of you are familiar with this psychological reference (from Carl Jung) to the younger part of us that lives inside of us all along the other 50 or more identities we have created through life.
When we go through life and never self-reflect, we may not always be aware of all these parts.
So in my sessions, I help my clients to deepen into different parts of themselves.
And one of them is - an inner child, a little boy who has accumulated certain beliefs about himself that can be very strong and carry shame, fear, or guilt (along with all the joy and happiness, of course).
When it comes to sex life, most men, the majority actually, are still guided by the beliefs and emotions that originated in childhood. They don’t make sense to an adult mind anymore, yet, we use them as they live in our bodies.
How is this manifested in your sex life? Your performance anxiety, your fast thrusting, and eventually premature ejaculation because you can't bear the intensity of the sensation, and with that, perhaps, an internalized shame that sex is dirty, and so the faster you do it, the sooner it will all end. And if you slow down, you may not be able to hold the erection because, again - this is all very intense, and the younger part of you who remembers the first experiences of sex and messages that live in the body of guilt or shame can't take it.
And so what we do is we allow for the little boy to come out and share and reveal what this is like for him, how he relates to sex, to intimacy, and the whole relationship shenanigans. It is, in all honesty, quite hard for a 7-year-old or 12-year-old to hold. And he shouldn't. This is not his domain. All he wants to do is play and be loved, heard, and understood. And that is where you, as an adult mature man, come into the picture holding your little guy, setting boundaries with him not to interfere in adult matters (sex), and lovingly sending him to play.
And if you go even deeper, here you find the part in you that knows how to show up in sex, love, and relationship in a powerful, mature, confident, and responsible way. Your inner confident man, your Sex God, or Divine Masculine, or however you prefer to identify him. This is the part that you evoke when you are about to have a serious conversation with your partner; this is the part you put forward when you are triggered by something your partner said, and deep down inside, you know she said it because she is hurting; this is the part that comes out on dates and during sex. This part of you holds a strong masculine core, loving heart, and unpenetrable consciousness.
I want to invite you to really investigate within yourself these two major parts - your inner child and your Divine Masculine and spend some time talking to them, perhaps, journaling what grievances your inner child has to you and what qualities and characteristics you want your Divine Masculine to have.
Next time you make love to your woman, notice the energy between you two, the whole intimacy, and how she responds to you when you show up as a Divine Masculine when you fuck and love her as this man.
And if you desire 1:1 support, schedule a free 30-minute consultation here: https://calendly.com/iryna-sulim/30min