Today I want to share with you this quote by Sofia Sundari, a Tantra teacher whose wisdom I deeply respect & admire. 

"A man’s confidence is strongly linked to his relationship with his cock.

We cannot authentically engage with the world & people around us unless we are in absolute acceptance & love of our own selves.

And guess what is a very important part of us that deserves our love? - Our body, yes. Because this is the part of ourselves that we see and deal with every single day. Our genitals is where our body begins. Our genitals is what determines our human essence, our sexual essence.

Most men don’t really have a love for their cock, they are rather just using it.

Your genitals need to be loved and acknowledged for what they are.

In tantra instead of the word “cock” we sometimes use the sanscrit word “lingam”, and it literally means “pillar of light”.

Gentlemen, are you able to treat it as such? Learn to listen to it, learn to honour it?
It is not about the size or how exactly it looks. It is rather about whether you dare to OCCUPY your cock, whether you dare to OWN it."

So… will you dare own it? Because I believe:

"The way you are behaving sexually is exactly how you are behaving in Life." or I like to stay it  - How You Show Up in Sex is How you Show up In Life. 

So here are a few questions that you might reflect on:

Are you capable of claiming Life and throwing her on the bed?
Are you showing up in Life in your fullness or only half way?
Are you allowing yourself to be soft, in bed and in Life, and when that happens are you still respecting yourself?
Do you tend to get carried away into performance/agenda and forget to listen to yourself and to Life?...

All of that & more I help my clients gain clarity on, heal, reclaim & own! 

If you are ready to dive deep & commit to your success, reclaim your power & confidence, learn how to be more present & sexually attractive to your lover, increase sexual energy and desire, resolve any performance problems (PE/ ED), experience full body energy orgasms, create more potency & aliveness in your body, have long lasting fulfilling sex and extraordinary relationship with your partner…

Can’t wait to connect with you!

Much Love, Iryna 

Iryna Sulim