Hey Handsome,

Today I want to share with you the 3 main skills you as a man can develop to get yourself started on your path to sexual mastery. Here is what you MUST become aware of:

1. Your Attention Is Your Greatest Asset As a Lover.

What does that really mean? It means putting your attention on your attention itself.

Are you present? Are you feeling your woman? Are you observing her now? Your attention is what brings information about the world back to you. Whatever you put your attention on will start to reveal itself to you. Never get so lost in an activity or technique that you lose all sense of your own attention. If need be, pause your action, so you can come back to your attention. Pause to look. Pause to listen. Pause to take in. Let your attention go out towards your woman, and let that attention bring back real information in real-time about your woman.

2. You Need to Feel Your Woman.

In order to do so, you must learn how to feel yourself, i.e. your emotions, your sensations. (That, by the way, is also the key to lasting longer in bed and being a good lover.) For men who are logical beings and not in touch with their emotions this isn’t always easy to grasp.

So next time you feel an emotion, try tracking it to your body. Become very aware of it. You will find a heavy or sweet weight in your chest or giddiness in your head or a lump in your throat or fear and churning in your rectum or queasiness in your stomach or swirls of turn on and arousal in your groin. This is your inner body, your emotional body.

Tuning in to your body and expanding your own capacity to feel various sensations and emotions with different levels of intensity will train you to be more in tune with your woman's body, and sustain greater amounts of pleasure. And that is how you can overcome your sexual "performance" issues.

3. Be Who You Really Are. Transparently.

This third point may not much sound like sex advice, but it is an overarching character asset that today's man is in dire need of. Boldly and cleanly be who you really are. Don't fake it. Whatever your assets and shortcomings are, be upfront and unapologetic about them.

To reach this state of transparency, you are going to need to deal with all the places you currently find yourself inadequate and are busy covering up. Your integrity is essential if you want to touch ecstasy with your lover. Pretending and faking isn't going to work. You, genuinely being who you are, are an essential aspect of the journey towards ecstasy.

If you really start implementing these 3 key principles in your love life, you will begin noticing positive changes. And your woman will notice as well.

And if you need support on your journey, I'm always here to help.


Much love and gratitude,


Iryna Sulim