What does that mean - emotional maturity? And what does it have to do with sex?
Emotional maturity is the foundation of most things we do in life. How we relate to our emotions affects our entire life through our daily choices & actions.
Emotions aren’t scary if we allow ourselves to be present to them & treat them as pure sensations in the body.
Any guilt, shame, sadness, fear or disgust we may experience during sex or self-pleasure will lock our body, shut it down & impede the experience of aliveness & flow of sexual energy - if we don’t feel through these emotions when they come up. We reach for ecstasy that we hope is on the other side, but we’ll never arrive if we bypass the discomfort of being with those emotions we are so scared to feel.
How do you feel through them?
Simply be present to them & connect to these emotional states as sensations. It certainly might be overwhelming & intense, but if we allow ourselves to go slowly, being an observer of those states & connecting to them not as them but as the experiencer of those states, bringing compassion & acceptance, it’ll get easier each time we practice this.
In our society we tend to cling to "good" emotions - joy, love, happiness, ecstasy. And ignore "bad" emotions - anger, rage, shame, guilt - by repressing & judging them. In Tantric teachings there is no separation between good or bad emotions. All emotional states are valid, have a right to exist, to be felt through & transformed into fuel, into potent energy.
When you have deeply connected sex it is simply impossible not to tap into the entire range of emotions - the lowest & the highest. Because your body desires to move you to ecstasy, it will push you through crygasms, angergasms, & all sorts of contractions. If you resist those, thinking that your sexual experience must only be positive (like in a porno movie), choking up inside, you WILL NEVER REACH BLISS!!! However, if you allow them and feel through them… ecstasy awaits.
I invite you to step into your own emotional maturity journey starting now:
* Allow unconscious & subconscious emotions to rise to the conscious
* Create acceptance in your body towards them
* Hold your emotion in your awareness & make a choice that is not dictated by the emotion
* Create your own relationship to your emotions and how you want to relate to them
Much Love & Gratitude, Iryna