Why Men Give Up On Themselves too Soon in the Realm of Intimacy

Sexuality is such a delicate area of a human's life. When it is thriving, all else in life is thriving, too - creativity, health, work, relationships with people, intimate or not. Attitude towards life is empowered, clear, and joyful. 

Life seems more colorful, and you feel alive! 

And I don't mean thriving sexuality is when you have sex daily or go to swing clubs or partake in orgies (no judgment about those, by the way). 

I mean the kind of sexuality that fills you up to the brims with a potent energy that causes you to create and live a life of infinite possibilities and in your power. The kind where God is present in all you do. The kind that is free of shame, guilt, or judgment. 

What am I leading towards here?

Many people do not believe that they are WORTHY of such life and such intimacy. And it is truly heartbreaking to hear when a man is saying to me: "Oh, I trust you to help me, but I don't trust myself. I don't believe that in my late 50's, I can enjoy it fully, have hard ons, and even date. So, no, I won't be investing money, energy, or time into this." 

It pains me that many men give up on themselves without even trying. And I get it: childhood trauma, shame, and guilt that is carried on from teenagehood still haunt a man who feels this way. And it is terrifying even to start. And the mind begins to devise all sorts of "what if" scenarios (our mind's job is to keep us small and protect us). 

In the meantime, the yearning for more is still there, masturbation to porn is still happening, desire for a deeper connection with another human never leaves. 

And so what most men do - they shut down all their natural yearnings and desires by numbing out with alcohol, porn, overeating, tv, drugs, overworking, and so on. But these baindaid solutions only work temporarily. 

Your body and soul want to thrive, heal, and live fully. So, nudging will never stop. But the only way to experience more pleasure and aliveness is through pain, shame, and all that gunk that we avoid and refuse to feel. There is no quick-fix pill. Oh, how much I wish sometimes there was. 

What if I told you that there is a safe and gentle way to move through the gunk and discomfort? 

What if I told you that your age, body shape, and size do not matter when it comes to feeling more pleasure? 

What if I told you that you can create any sexual narrative you desire and find allies who will fully support you in it?

What if I told you that your sexual life after 60 years old can only get better? 

What if I told you that you, as a man, can have full-body orgasms and multiple orgasms and feel nourished, energized, and overflowing with love and joy after each sexual experience? 

All of the above is true because I have witnessed it myself in my own personal life, the life of my friends, and my clients. 

One day, I was like you; I did not trust any of this or know this intimacy could be possible. But I took a leap; I made a reckless move, and I leaned into my soul's yearning. I tried. I opened myself up to something that seemed crazy and weird. That was eight years ago, by the way. And I can share my personal story with you in another email at some point. 

But for now, I want to be the person who gives you permission and holds your hand lovingly, guiding and teaching you that what you crave is very much possible. 

Your trust and your courage are required. And I am here to support you when setbacks happen because they will. It is part of the process. 

Work with me 1:1 if you are ready to jump into the deep dive. I have spots available for six months or a year. Please book a FREE call HERE now so we can determine how I can best support you. 

Below is a recent text from a client I received whom I worked with for over a year. 

"Hello Iryna. Thank you for your message. Enjoying it thoroughly. In fact, my intention is to get back onto my twice-a-month schedule of ejaculation. I have a lot of practice and amazing experiences. After an hour or so of making love, our pattern seems to climax strongly together. So I have done it many times in the first two weeks. I still feel energized but want to really come back into it. We did our breathing this morning and had our morning sex session in a virtual paradise.

To think of where I was sexually when I met you over a year ago and now to be in the throes of sexual pleasure, having a goddess telling me how amazing I am at fucking, is truly mind-blowing. I love and appreciate you and everything.”

A year ago, he came to me struggling with performance anxiety (PE) and a lot of shame in expressing his potent sexual power. Now he is in love and has the best sex of his life.  

All of it is possible for you, too. 

If you want to take it slow and are unsure if you are ready to invest your time/money/energy into 1:1 and want a taste of what it's like to work with me, my online course for men, "Presence over Performance," is a perfect fit for you. It is only $495. And, by the way, the course also includes an infamous "Pussy Massage" practice, so you can learn and master a tantric way of pleasuring your woman. 

Need Help or Have Questions? I’m here to support you on your journey. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out by emailing info@irynasulim.com. Thank you for your trust.

With Love and Gratitude,


Iryna Sulim