The 3 Most Irresistible Traits Women Admit They Look For In A Partner…
Gentlemen, you may read books, attend talks, workshops & seminars or even do pick up community tricks to attract a woman, but still find yourself with no luck in that department, get rejected, disappointed, even frustrated, still single or seem like a beggar to your partner when you ask for sex.
All of what you are doing is not working, because the so called “pick up” techniques you are using are shallow in nature and only touch on the surface, & are only good for a “one night stand”possibly, (if you are lucky). But in the long run will not get you what you really desire in relationship with women.
What you really want in actuality, (yes, just picture this) - her dripping for you, longing for your essence, asking for more of your presence, surrendering to your power, trusting your guidance, your lead, your masculine, grounded force that is gentle but firm, your unshakable, pilar like, core energy & your loving heart!
Doesn’t it feel, look & sound amazing?! Yummm, …. I would LOVE to be that woman in your arms!
Curious to know how to have it all?
[Get FREE Mini Video Series Guide…To The Ultimate Attraction Traits Women Look For In Men]
Put your name & email in the form below & in the next 5 days you will receive an email series from me (one email a day) with my Videos, Instructional PDF’s & Guided Audio Meditations (recorded by me) for you to practice, so you can harness those magnetic traits women are so attracted to in a partner!
It’s so valuable & so unique!
Meet Iryna
I’m a Sex, Love & Relationship Coach for Men, with clients around the world. I’m advocating for the empowerment of men, awakened masculinity & healthy integrated sexuality.
My innate curiosity for the depth of the human soul, my personal spiritual & sexual healing journey through Tantra, & the relationships with trusted men in my life all led me to my true calling: using my gifts in helping men to connect to their authentic selves, their freedom, their consciousness & their power through healing sexuality.
Inevitably, this “inner work” stretches far beyond the bedroom & into every aspect of a man’s life.
In This Mini-Video Series + PDF + Audio Practices, an Expert Guide Of Irresistibility, You'll Discover:
The very 3 simple changes you can learn today to get her to notice you
How to experience these 3 traits through your body, not through your head, which is the most valuable learning you can have
How to emanate that “safe energy” & a spark at the same time, which will have women flocking to you
How to be tuned in to her & turn her on just by your presence
….and so much more
As a man, a lot of times you seek your answers on how to be with a woman in your head & not listening to your body. What I mean is, your own energy is off & women, as very intuitive beings, respond to energy. Not anyone’s fault here, you just weren’t taught as a man how to be tuned in to your body. For the majority of men, it doesn't come naturally & since society doesn't foster that for men (boys) either, the muscles for feeling/sensing atrophy.
Developing your own body attunement instrument, will help you to tune in finely to the body instrument of another - your woman or any woman for that matter.
And because I’m a stand for your empowerment, your truth & you rising as a King that you have forgotten you already are, & because I so desire to be held by a man who is in his full power & heart - I created something that will help you to get there!
I developed a set of practices for you to do daily so you can emanate that embodied, attractive & uber confident vibe & exude the irresistible sexy energy any woman is so hungry for!
Ready to dive in?
[Get My FREE Mini Video Series Guide To The Ultimate Attraction Traits Women Look For In Men]
What Clients Have Said About Working With Iryna...
"Iryna is one of the most caring and intuitive individuals I've had the pleasure to meet. Working with her has not only helped me confront the shame and guilt I've carried for years, but her experience and wise counsel has placed me on a clear path of healing and understanding. I can honestly say my life is much more fulfilling, energetic and joyful because of her. I am beyond grateful for the excellent work she does.”
- Max, New York
“After working with Iryna, I have experienced many life-changing benefits. I came to Iryna struggling with porn addiction, self-loathing, sexual incompetence and sexual frustration.
Iryna led me through the wilderness to discover my true desires and ultimately to understand my true purpose in life. I have much more love and respect for myself now. During our time together, I also landed my dream job, one that I would be considered unqualified for by all normal standards, but the confidence and self-love that I found through the journey with Iryna, enabled me to reach out and grab what I wanted. I have new vision and clarity regarding my worth and my power. I was able to come face to face with the lies and the deceptions that have been directing my life for so long. I have not looked at porn in over a month, and my marriage has gone to much deeper levels and my wife and I have experienced much more authenticity in our conversations and interactions with one another. I can finally take a deep breath!
As a man, it is very uncomfortable to be vulnerable about insecurity regarding your sexuality or lack thereof. It takes courage and most of all, a safe place in which you can share your most shameful of struggles and experiences. Iryna was that safe place throughout my process, always showing love and acceptance regardless of the darkness that was displayed in my heart.
I am so grateful for the work I did with Iryna and for the space and the healing she enabled me to enjoy!”
- Caleb, Texas
“For years my wife watched me try books, methods, tips and tricks on our sex and intimacy. And sure—it improved in some areas, not in others, but I always had a deep longing, and a sense that there's so much more to be discovered in and through sex.
And then I met Iryna Sulim. Game changer!
Iryna's wise and extraordinary guidance was almost immediately life transforming. It's great, beautiful work she's doing. We all need coaching from time to time, in business, fitness, parenting—but Iryna's mentoring goes to the heart of love and sex as core powers that run through all of life. She is a font of healing, understanding, encouragement, and tons of deep knowledge to help a man live and love to his fullest, and satisfy his woman to her core.
And what does my wife say about this work I've been into? "Iryna deserves a very great THANK YOU!"
- Mark, New York