Hey there,
In my work with men, I don’t only address the “inner” work men have to do in order to become those great lovers they desire to be, but we also spend some time unpacking the relationship dynamic that they currently have or have had with their partners.
You see, men are so susceptible to women, to the energy a woman brings, that the quality of their relationship/intimacy and how women position themselves within that, may determine how confident men will feel in their performance and their ability to last longer and have reliable erections.
At the same time, men who aren’t doing their own personal work, aren’t attending to their needs and desires, aren’t asking for what they want, and don’t have boundaries, will forever live in anxiety, disappointment and feelings of inadequacy.
So relationship, love, and sexuality awareness are woven together in one bundle which we explore and unravel and get more clarity on.
I love working with men who are in long term relationship or married. They are my favorite clients. Because I get to share all the little bits of wisdom about women and the feminine and how to navigate the relationship best.
Are you struggling with sexual performance? Perhaps the reason for it lies in your relationship dynamic with your partner.
I invite you to share with me what has been going on for you. I'd love to support you.
Much love and gratitude,