Hey there,

{For all my magnificent men - you may want to share this one with the women in your life. Or think about how you can support her in practicing this!}

My most favorite mentor of all times who I adore immensely gave me a daily practice that is very simple - but VERY “FEEL GOOD” for the feminine system.

You know what it is? To SLOWWWWW DOWN.

Slow down how I walk around the house, slow down how I get out of bed in the morning, slow down how I towel myself off after a shower... how I eat food, how I drink tea, how I put oil on my body… etc.

Of course, I knew about this before, used it widely, and observed myself doing it. And it felt really really good.

But then “life took over”, habitual patterns rolled back in, and the next thing I notice - I'm stomping around the house, being fast, being super-efficient (of course, we love efficiency and productivity in our culture), moving sharply, almost like a warrior handling his sword…

And the result of that? I’m exhausted, usually; almost always in my head; my body is tense. I’m relating with my man in equal polarity, which means he doesn’t feel the feminine from me. If I don’t feel it myself, how can he?!

There is no delicious, honey-dripping, sensual and effulgent energy radiating from me. I feel dry and wrung out. Oh, how sad. Even writing this makes me feel thirsty and gasping for air.

And I did it to myself. No one forced me. That is the choice I made. And of course, this bodily learning came from years of watching my mom being fast, tense, sharp, and very efficient, and many other women living in their “masculinized” version of themselves.

And that’s ok. She didn’t know any better. But I do. I have choices. I have awareness that I have been training for years. And so do you!

And so once I picked that practice of slowing down back up, and this time with full devotion and commitment, i decided I’m not giving it up again. Not for anything or anyone.

Because being in my slowness brings my feeling back, and with that my sensuality, my juice, my aliveness, my openness in my heart, my delicate and graceful way of expressing myself, and that brings revering glances from men, and my desire to indulge the life around me and be indulged…. and OMG, this feels SO GOOD! 💦🍯 👄

So SLOW DOWN, my love! Life will reward you immensely….

Would you like more support for juiciness in your relationship and intimate experience? Book a free connection call with me now.

Much love and gratitude,


Iryna Sulim