Hey handsome,
So many men struggle with performance anxiety, but only a few will actually admit it to their friends or their partners or even to themselves...
A man's sexuality is the most vulnerable aspect of his life. If there are challenges a man experiences around his erections or his ability to be hard and last for a long time during sex, he feels inadequate, powerless and like a failure.
One of my clients described it like this: "When I don't have consistent erections, it's like my sword has been taken away from me."
What I hear in this is a loss of masculine power. And I, as a woman first and foremost, would never want this for a man.
Often men who experience performance anxiety or ED will pop viagra, go for testosterone injections, or engage in some form of penis injections therapy (ouch - painful!), before they start tackling the problem from a holistic perspective.
There are so many reasons why men have performance anxiety. And most of the time if the reason is not physical (blood pressure issues, or spine/pelvis injuries, or being overweight), it is held deeper in his psychology (social conditioning around sex), emotional blocks (unfelt grief, unprocessed trauma) or mental conditioning (too much porn, fantasy, disconnection from feelings).
All of this takes time to uncover, to face head on with courage, to feel and heal.
I often say that when a man has issues with his PENIS, it is a sure sign that he must examine his whole life and pay very close attention to his emotions, his satisfaction or lack thereof with his relationship, or whether he lives in fantasy land and got so cerebral that the lower part of his body is disconnected from the rest.
I dedicated about 6 years of my life to studying men and men's sexuality.
And my biggest desire is for all men to be the best lovers they can be, to be able to last as long as they want in the bedroom, to feel their bodies, have the confidence and power that naturally lives in their COCKS, and lead women to pleasure and ecstasy - being equally aligned in their HEADS, HEARTS and COCKS.
And that is why I created "Presence Over Performance" - an online course for men who want to heal "performance anxiety" (not only in bed, but in other interactions with women, too) and be the confident, powerful and present lover she deeply longs for.
I am so looking forward to supporting you in becoming the most amazing lover and man she craves for. Join now.
Much love and gratitude,